Galvano Hengelo

Galvano Hengelo 25th anniversary

Galvano Hengelo jubileum banner

4 augustus 2022 – we are celebrating our 25th anniversary: our SILVER jubilee! We are particularly proud of this, including the fact that we have been able to accomplish this together with you, our customer. In the past 25 years there have been many highlights!


4 August 1997 Start of Galvano Hengelo B.V. under the management of Robin Smit and Peter Bebseler with 7 permanent employees.

Galvano Hengelo eerste 7 personeelsledenGalvano Hengelo oude pand

1997 Silver-plating of the first high-voltage parts.

1998 ISO 9002 certified.

2002 ISO 9001 certified.

2004 Management buy-out by Robin Smit and Peter Bebseler.

2008 14001 certification as first surface treatment company in the Netherlands.

2009 Introduction of Protalloy® zinc-nickel process and established as an EU brand name.

2012 Start of construction of new premises at Scandinaviëlaan 21 in Hengelo.

2017 Acquisition by Schoonderwolf Groep B.V. and start of Ivo Willemsen as director

4 August 2022 25 years Galvano Hengelo!